Thursday, January 14, 2010

Stats to Date!

I jumped on my bathroom scale this morning, expecting it to practically congratulate me on my progress. Instead, it pretty much reported what it has been prior to embarking on this adventure. Hmph.

I wasn't sure if I was going to track using the bathroom scale or the Wii Fit scale. I still haven't decided, but what I have record of right now is from the Wii Fit. So, the numbers don't lie. Here are my workout stats and weight stats:

Date: # mins. of exercise Calories burned Weight
12/29/2009 I need to get workout stats off the Wii 185.6
12/30/2009 43 142
01/01/2010 52 175
01/02/2010 29 99 193.1 (I adjusted the weight of my clothes)
01/05/2010 33 144 190.7
01/06/2010 10 45 189.2 (started weighing in the morning!)
01/09/2010 I need go get workout stats off the Wii 187
01/10/2010 30 115
01/13/2010 28 100

In looking at the preview of this, I need to figure out how to do tables in Blogger!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this blog idea, I am going to share it with others. I am actually going to use a bunch of this to help me with my wii plans!

    Glad that I found your blog! Pop on over to mine and follow back if you would like. I am actually doing my 2nd giveaway! An InStyler!
